Another Holiday
If you are not religious like me, Easter has nothing to do with church and yet you find yourself considering the resurrection anyway. The idea of rebirth goes beyond Christianity. Long before and long after biblical times, the hero’s journey has been told. From Odysseus to Harry Potter, people cannot get enough of the phoenix (that mythical creature that bursts into flames in death to be born again out of its own ashes).
So if Easter is just another holiday to you, too, try finding a way to resurrect it. The holiday has already burned down and you get to decide what rises from the ashes. Maybe you will find revival in being yourself at family gatherings, or maybe you will find that your new life does not involve celebrating this holiday in any capacity. It is most likely that your answer lies somewhere in-between.
Whatever you decide, I hope you enjoy this weekend, and beyond that, I hope you enjoy the life you make for yourself. If not, you can always burst into flames and try again.